Saturday, December 22, 2007

Pinyon Back to Back Days

Been ridin Pinyon the last couple of days. So many options can be put together riding in the high desert. A couple days of rain and snow opened up a trail usually to loose to ride.

Switchbacks dropping you into Olmstett Wash.

Started on the Pinyon trail and connected to Palm Canyon.

Roshon riding the slalom course with Cats Claws and cactus as the borders.

Signage for our cutoff and the start of Potrero Canyon. Found out this connector should only be done after a rain. If timed good you pedal the wash for about a mile and a half and then connect to the ol' 4X4 double/singletrack.

Ran into a Longhorn Bull on the Upper End.

View of the Old Grove after a stout climb.

Been kinda nice on the eyes. High desert really shows off after a lil bit o water.

Pedal 1 Long

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